Nicole Rampersaud

Current Projects

Solo TrumpetCompositions exploring and expanding the sonic possibilities of the trumpet.
UnderstoryUnderstory is a web-based, inter-provincial series dedicated to showcasing improvising artists working across Canada, and to building a network between the artists and their audiences.
Brass Knuckle SandwichImprovised music duo with pianist, Marilyn Lerner. Listen here.

(Photo by Marilyn Lerner)
c_RLImprovised music trio with percussionist, Germaine Liu, and multi-instrumentalist, Allison Cameron. Listen here.
Joel LeBlanc/Nicole Rampersaud DuoDuo with guitarist Joel LeBlanc exploring site-specific compositions and improvisations.

More info coming soon.
PathwaysMore info coming soon.

(Photo credit: Steve Louie)